Work with Us!
Work Available at Simple Games Inc.
Lua Scripter
Annual payment range: $70,000 - $85,000 USD
Potential Bonus of 5% of Net Game Income on projects that you are working on. This can at times surpass thousands of dollars per month!
Work is not salaried, but Independent Contractor work
(Paid based on hours) -
Pay is monthly, in Robux payouts to your Roblox account, for you to then DevEx.
We are a Charity-focused team, where your work will also have a tangible benefit in helping others around the world!
Experience Needed:
Must be at least 16 years old.
Must demonstrate your quality of work through a Portfolio.
Must have been part of a Game's development before, and have the skills needed to produce a Roblox Game on the coding end.
Understand how to optimize well for Mobile Devices and the speed of Game performance.
Must be a team player and have a willingness to understand and follow directions, see tasks to completion, and document progress.
Provide at least 2 Work References and their contact information to us.
We are a small Indie studio with a small, dedicated crew who are focused on doing good where we can. If you are good at what you do, honest, and reliable, there is no end to the opportunities for growth with us!